Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Great Recycler

We might not get excited enough about trash pickup. Garbagemen remove tons of waste from everybody's doorstep each week. Thank them when you see them. They are hard-working people with difficult jobs.

Monday, October 24, 2011

New Solar Workbook

This one comes with better instructions. It isnt entirely complete just yet, but if Kid Analog has its way, every kid on planet earth will know how to solve them.

This one will show you how to wire a roof's solar system like a bunch of batteries.

It contains examples like this one:

It contains examples of different roofs, and all the different schemes you might expect to see on a residential installation.

Once you understand parallel and series wiring, you can complete the exercises in the book.

My Robot Runs On Coffee

Kid Analog built a robot to work at the coffeeshop while Kid went on tour with his music.  The robot uses Coffee to refuel.  How does this work?

The Bot flushes out electrolyte that has no more electricity in it.  Then it recharges by drinking coffee, then using the electrolytic composition in coffee to continue to run.  Kid Analog wanted to select a power source for the Bot that was both cheap, and abundantly available.  Coffee seemed like the best alternative.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thing About Socks

Here is what i think about socks. I think theyre great. my dad had a lot of socks. Now that i have too many, i know I am grown up.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ever wonder about Safety Meeting...

How it all got started?

Durham Fair

Carnies are so funny. They look like wild animals and talk like theyre from someplace on Earth where no one's ever seen.

Pool Table Golf

Fore! 18 holes on 2 floors. Each table is a hole. Pool with golfballs, using backs of putter to pop em in.

If for nothing else, it would make for a great subject in a music video to film one up close.

Love Stories

Ever wonder if someone is thinking about you? Theres no way to know unless you ask...

Music Rotation

A description of a musical performance/creation station. Blurring the lines between performance and creation.

Distractionary Tale

This one is about living in the present moment. Its a good moral to learn, that its better to be than to show aspects of being. The experience of something happening first-hand could be lost in the act of trying to capture and share.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


In this episode, Bot's got his facts all wrong. Kid Analog tries to clear his memory, but Bot is convinced that his memories are in fact real, when actually some dream files got scattered into his factual memory bank.

Also, Bot has filed some of its opinion files as facts (dont ask how that happened), and Kid Analog works out the bugs with the Bot, without having yo erase any data.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lost Levels

Paper Computer is a puzzle game that you can play, without computers.  It involves solving visual puzzles involving our little humanoid shape, determined by the parameters that you see above, applied to the puzzle that you see below.

You can even design your own levels, using the same type of geometric parameters.

Turby The Wind Turbine

This is a cartoon drawn for the purpose of indicating the world of clean energy.  What kids think about clean energy, in the form of a cartoon.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Time Language

The Operation! Comic.

This is a cartoon about making your own public access show / website.  You can read along with me in your books.  You will know that it's time to turn the page when you hear the sound go like this.  BEEP!